About Pattern Wear

Why this app?

Pattern Wear is a brain fart of Karel-Jan Van Haute. I'm a web designer with a heart for garment construction. As a hobbyist tailor, I found it difficult to find good patterns for men or women with non-standard measurements. In order to have a solution for this, I started this app. The goal of this app is to provide everyone with sewing patterns that fit every size and every gender.


I first launched a private beta in order to test everything and get some community feedback. So if you found this website, two things may have happened. Or you got the address from me or someone I know, or google found this page. You can register on the site through an email address, google or facebook account. When I know you personally, you will be granted access. If I don't know you, I will email you with the question of how you found this app. I reserve myself the right to decline every registration.


I hope you enjoy this app as much as I do. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me at info@patternwear.com

Ready to invest?

Pattern wear is a single person project, so progress is slow. If you love this project and you want to invest in it with your time or money, don't hesitate to contact me. You can help me with the following:

  • If you are a sewing enthousiast: You can test the patterns by trying them out and providing feedback on them.
  • If you are a designer: My design skills are rather limited. So if you want to pimp this app up, contact me.
  • If you have millions to spare: If you have millions lying around doing nothing. Throw it at me, so I can do this full time and hire a team to make this app great.

If you want to invest in this project, please contact me at info@patternwear.com