My journey so far.

September 1, 2023

Why I built this app.

As long as I can remember, I loved to make stuff. As a child, I made all kinds of inventions out of cardboard and tape. As I grew up, I started to show an interest in clothes and the construction of them. So around 2007, I took an evening course to construct garments. For these garments, we always started with existing patterns from magazines and altered them to the correct measurements. An annoyance I always had when searching for patterns was the lack of good patterns for menswear. Because of this, the need to make my own patterns grew. That took me to another evening class on how to draw your own patterns. So after figuring out how patterns work, I realized it was all just a matter of math.

My day job is programming websites. As a programmer, I'm no stranger to math. Pretty quickly, one plus one became two. What if I created an easy platform to create patterns that fits every body.

Technical setup.

My journey with this app started around 2017. It took around 6 years to get here? Phew! It has been a while. This is mainly due to the fact that this has always been a side project. So I had to do it with the limited spear time I had. I also used this project to try out new frameworks and tools.

The first draft was made in Angular (the only mature framework at the time). This was also the technology I was using at the firm where I was working back then. Then I tried to see if I could rewrite it in Vue.js because that was becoming pretty popular. And now with this version, I'm using next.js (react) as the core framework for the app.

About the Beta.

I first launched a private beta in order to test everything and get some community feedback. So if you found this website, two things may have happened. Or you got the address from me or someone I know, or google found this page. You can register on the site through an email address, google or facebook account. When I know you personally, you will be granted access. If I don't know you, I will email you with the question of how you found this app. I reserve myself the right to decline every registration.

The future.

My dream is to make this app my full time job. So in the future, there will probably be some kind of billing mechanism. But that is all still to be decided.